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The way the world is!
The Christian life
The calling of a husband and father
On atomic bombs and virus pandemics
Who is Jordan Peterson and what does he care about?
Is Christianity harmful?
Ravi Zacharias
Ravi Zacharias — “A Superb and Gracious Mind”
Andrew Barry discusses a Christian view of mining.
Life and Society
Liberty and freedom
A defence of liberty against tyrants
Defending the foundations of our society.
The nature and foundation of freedom.
Solzhenitsyn’s prophecy.
Why Christians clash with the current culture.
A rabbi’s warning to U.S. Christians.
Franklin Graham
I need to check your thinking!
The White Rose movement.
People Need to Understand Freedom
Australia’s religious freedom bill.
Say no! to house arrest.
Facebook’s New “Free Speech” Judges
Where is the vigorous debate about our response to Covid?
The lockdown sceptic they couldn’t silence.
Corona virus pandemic.
Corona virus and the power of the state
Is this the Rise of the ‘Red Dawn’?
Don’t waste a crisis.
Trump’s response to COVID-19.
Coronavirus: Protests…
COVID-19 Restrictions Are Arbitrary.
Marxism and postmodernism
Why People Hate Jordan Peterson So Much.
Explaining Identity Politics
Climate change.
The Christian foundations of western society.
Jordan Peterson: The activists are now stalking the hard scientists.
Andrew Barry discusses a Christian view of mining.
Marxism and Communism
Twenty years a fool: My long journey home from the left
Why does Josef Stalin matter?
Existentialism via Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag
The ideological drive behind the Greens
What gives you meaning?
Is this the Rise of the ‘Red Dawn’?
Black Lives matter and Marxism
‘Black Lives Matter’ and victimhood in cultural Marxism
Christianity and Islam
Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the West, Dawa, and Islam
Islam in the West. Muslims in the West.
Christmas and refugees
Resources and environment
Martyn Iles on Climate change
Testing the evidence used in the climate science debate
An Open Letter to Greta Thunberg
What is, and isn’t, settled about climate science.
Andrew Barry discusses a Christian view of mining.
Earth Day and failed predictions.
Time for thankfulness!
Bushfire. The savage beast that kills…
Brian Sullivan on Australian bushfires
Brexit. Why?
Brexit Q&A
Life in community
The church and homosexuality.
The new ideology of gender fluidity
Creation and evolution
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Willem’s Blog
God’s sovereignty and human responsibility
Tulip under attack!
Rebuking sin and having compassion
Christianity and freedom
Christmas trees
‘Christians believe that only God demands “total allegiance”
Thrive, the movie
Christianity and other religions
Jesus and Muhammad.
Understanding the Bible and the Quran
The difference between Christianity and Islam.
Progression in the Bible and the Quran
The other Egypt
How should Christians respond to terrorist attacks?
Asylum seekers
Mass migrations – seeking a better way
Australia needs to undertake a serious study of Islam
Islam and the secular state
Radicalisation of youth
Sydney shooting: jihadism isn’t about winning rights for Muslims
Sydney shooting: jihadism isn’t about winning rights for Muslims
Islamist terror
People movements
In response to Trump’s ban on entry from some Middle East countries.
Censorship! Why people don’t want to debate Islam
We need to talk about this!
What is marriage?
The Labor Party motion to legalise ‘same sex marriage’
Comments on the ‘gay marriage’ debate
Redefining marriage
Destroying marriage
Interesting article on gay ‘marriage’
Is property theft?
We must destroy capitalism!
Property and profit are theft?
Safe Schools: A letter to the Premier.
Appalling double standards
The bullies strike again
Australia’s treatment of refugees.
Asylum seekers
Refugees on Manus Island
The current political situation in Australia
Do African lives matter?
Reforming the Senate.
Knuckle dragging dinosaur
The Australian media and politics
Trump is morally unfit to be President!
Gay teens and suicide
Rules of discussion
‘Black Lives Matter’ and victimhood in cultural Marxism
‘Christians believe that only God demands “total allegiance”
A defence of liberty against tyrants
A rabbi’s warning to U.S. Christians.
An Open Letter to Greta Thunberg
Andrew Barry discusses a Christian view of mining.
Appalling double standards
Asylum seekers
Asylum seekers
Australia needs to undertake a serious study of Islam
Australia’s religious freedom bill.
Australia’s treatment of refugees.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the West, Dawa, and Islam
Black Lives matter and Marxism
Brexit Q&A
Brexit. Why?
Brian Sullivan on Australian bushfires
Bushfire. The savage beast that kills…
Bushfires – How bad are they?
Censorship! Why people don’t want to debate Islam
Christianity and freedom
Christianity and Islam
Christianity and other religions
Christmas and refugees
Christmas trees
Climate change.
Comments on the ‘gay marriage’ debate
Corona virus and the power of the state
Corona virus pandemic.
Coronavirus: Protests.
COVID-19 Restrictions Are Arbitrary.
Creation and evolution
Defending the foundations of our society.
Destroying marriage
Do African lives matter?
Don’t waste a crisis.
Earth Day and failed predictions.
Existentialism via Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag
Explaining Identity Politics
Facebook’s New “Free Speech” Judges
Franklin Graham
Gay teens and suicide
God’s sovereignty and human responsibility
How should Christians respond to terrorist attacks?
I need to check your thinking!
In response to Trump’s ban on entry from some Middle East countries.
Interesting article on gay ‘marriage’
Is Christianity harmful?
Is property theft?
Is this the Rise of the ‘Red Dawn’?
Is this the Rise of the ‘Red Dawn’?
Islam and the secular state
Islam in the West. Muslims in the West.
Islamist terror
Jesus and Muhammad.
Jordan Peterson: The activists are now stalking the hard scientists.
Knuckle dragging dinosaur
Liberty and freedom
Life and Society
Life in community
Martyn Iles on Climate change
Marxism and Communism
Marxism and postmodernism
Mass migrations – seeking a better way
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
On atomic bombs and virus pandemics
People movements
People Need to Understand Freedom
Progression in the Bible and the Quran
Property and profit are theft?
Radicalisation of youth
Ravi Zacharias
Ravi Zacharias — “A Superb and Gracious Mind”
Rebuking sin and having compassion
Redefining marriage
Reforming the Senate.
Refugees on Manus Island
Resources and environment
Rules of discussion
Safe Schools: A letter to the Premier.
Say no! to house arrest.
Solzhenitsyn’s prophecy.
Sydney shooting: jihadism isn’t about winning rights for Muslims
Testing the evidence used in the climate science debate
The Australian media and politics
The bullies strike again
The calling of a husband and father
The Christian foundations of western society.
The Christian life
The church and homosexuality.
The current political situation in Australia
The difference between Christianity and Islam.
The ideological drive behind the Greens
The Labor Party motion to legalise ‘same sex marriage’
The lockdown sceptic they couldn’t silence.
The nature and foundation of freedom.
The new ideology of gender fluidity
The other Egypt
The White Rose movement.
Thrive, the movie
Time for thankfulness!
Trump is morally unfit to be President!
Trump’s response to COVID-19.
Tulip under attack!
Twenty years a fool: My long journey home from the left
Understanding the Bible and the Quran
We must destroy capitalism!
We need to talk about this!
What gives you meaning?
What is marriage?
What is, and isn’t, settled about climate science.
Where is the vigorous debate about our response to Covid?
Who is Jordan Peterson and what does he care about?
Why Christians clash with the current culture.
Why does Josef Stalin matter?
Why People Hate Jordan Peterson So Much.
Willem’s Blog